When isn't ChoppyC right , you can use fingernail polish too !
I tried wd40 but didn't get very good results. However, I then tried Goo be Gone and it worked like a charm. Got it all off and is shiny as new. I highly reccommend it.
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How can I get a substance which melted on my motorcycle pipes off without damaging the chrome?Been there done that and Choppy C is wrong. Don't start the bike it will bake the plastic even more. Go to Walmart and buy some acetone. Use a soft rag and wipe the plastic right off. Acetone is highly flammable so the bike needs to be cool and no open flames or sparks. After wiping the pipes with acetone use a damp rag to remove any residual acetone.
Every time I've had plastic melt to my pipes, it always peeled right off when they cooled down. I'd just say pick at it with your figernail and you should be able to get it loose.
Heat and solvents might just melt it a spread it around to make a bigger mess.How can I get a substance which melted on my motorcycle pipes off without damaging the chrome?
dont scrape! simply start the bike and as the pipes get hot again the plastic wlll get soft and wipe off easily.I have fixed a lot of bikes this way.After wiping away, chrome polish and its all done!
Both are good answers. Try some WD 40. That works on stuff that you need off or paint without damaging the paint. That is something you should have on hand at the house. Other wise I would try the acetone
You can use an SOS pad. Just make sure it is good and wet so it doesn't scratch. Done it many times to remove melted boot heel.
why do you care? those pipes are crap anyway
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